Tuesday, June 15, 2004

A Moon in Retrograde Orbit

This past Saturday I was at a party, when a friend asked me about a recent news article she'd read.

"So, have you heard about Phoebe, one of Saturn's moons, the one that goes in the wrong direction? Has a totally different orbit than all of the others?" she asked.

"Yes, I've heard of it." I said.

She smiled. "Have you heard of it?" she asked a friend who approached on my right. She told him about it again. "That sounds like someone I know!" he said.

"That's exactly what I thought," she said and they laughed.

My name is Phoebe.

I'd like to think that their laughter was part affection, part admiration. I'm sure that my husband's laughter, when I related the incident to him, was. But somehow, it's an odd feeling, too, to be compared to a moon that is in a different orbit than any other moon. Even if I do understand the connection.

I'm starting this blog today partly inspired by a couple of other blogs I've been following: downwithbush.com, and realivepreacher. Not because of anything posted today, but because today the itch finally must be scratched, to be writing, to be posting. Whether or not anyone is even out there reading.

If you are, hi. My name is Phoebe. Welcome to my retrograde orbit.