Monday, October 04, 2004

Where I Am


I'm here. Sort of. October's going to be another very very busy month for me at work -- starting as of last week, when I was traveling for several days. When I'm not traveling, I spend most of my workday in front of a computer and blogging (which I consider to be nearly equal parts posting to my own and reading yours) has become part of my daily survival ritual, but I need to cut back again. I'd say I'll do more in the evenings or on the weekends, but really, I tend not to be in the mood to be in front of the computer after a full work day or week. It won't be like August, but October will most likely find me with a lower profile in blogland than September.

And, I'd hope this goes without saying: I'll be missing you.

In the meantime, I am starting to get glimmers of where the Dreaming story goes (nope, it's not done) so you can expect to see that up here soon(ish)...

Happy Monday to you! May your week be golden.